Red Sun - Rising

Monday 1st August 1994
Red Sun - Rising

RATING 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
LABEL: Independent
FORMAT: Cassette Album

Reviewed by Tony Cummings

This cassette has hardly been off my headset since it first plopped through the mail. First some background. Red Sun are a talented trio consisting of Steve Bassett and wife Sue Reeves-Bassett who long- in-the-tooth CCM-ites will recognise as members of Heartbeat (and, if you're really old, New Beginnings) and Red Sun's singer/keyboard whiz Colin Pye (who once fronted the fondly remembered Zipcodes). Together the trio make music which cuts deeper, much deeper, than the shallow truisms that sometimes pass for ministry songs in today's church. For across a compulsively rhythmic backdrop pigeon holers could slot in the pop end of techno, Colin sings songs of heart and compassion and miles away from the "personal peace and affluence" mindset of parts of today's religious scene. At times the album is pretty DARK, but seering images of, for instance, street kids being mowed down like vermin or contemporary slavery is indeed part of our fallen world's reality. And there's also some galloping alternative worship on "Rejoice". Great songwriting, inventive programming and a band you should not ignore.

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