Prayer2Praise - Come To The Father

Published Monday 18th June 2007
Prayer2Praise - Come To The Father
Prayer2Praise - Come To The Father

RATING 5 5 5 5 5
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 23385-12519
LABEL: Independent

Reviewed by Tim Holden

Prayer2Praise are Michael Reardon and his fiancée Chrissy Write who hail from Northern Ireland. The songs are self-penned with a little help from friends and sung by Chrissy and Michael. Musically they are a mix of rocky pop tunes ("Spirit Fall" and "I Lift My Hands") and quieter ballad style numbers ("Come To The Father"). There are some cool hooks and riffs from both keyboard and guitar and the songs are well arranged. Unfortunately they are somewhat let down by the vocals, which sound like they are out of the vocalists' comfort zones and are considerably under produced compared to the rest of the music with the result that they sound thin and out of place much of the time. From a lyrical point of view most of the songs are quite personal worship songs, with the exception of the title track which is an exhortation to trust in God and come into his open arms. This album is not one that I am likely to listen to much but it is a good start on their musical journey.

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