Paul Clark - Out Of The Shadow

Paul Clark - Out Of The Shadow
Paul Clark - Out Of The Shadow

STYLE: Jesus Music
RATING Not Rated
LABEL: Myrrh SPCN7016786064
FORMAT: 12 inch vinyl Album
RRP: £4.99

Reader Comments

Posted by Don in state of Delaware @ 14:35 on Dec 2 2010

By 1984 CCM was high on the rise; and Paul Clark a ccm vet was still going strong since the 1970's. The first song on side 1 has great ccm sound, the song "Give ME Your Heart". This song features vocals by Richard Page and Steve George, members of the pop band Mr. Mister (remember the song "Broken Wings"). Richard and Steve also sing background on
"I Need YOUR Love Again". The beautiful voice of ccm songstress & vet, Kelly Willard duets on "Love of My Life"; this song is one of the album hi-lites. The wondrous vocals of Tommy Funderbunk can be heard on the 6 minute "I Will Fly (in the wind)":this song is the theme for "The Children's Mercy Hospital". The chorus to "Father GOD" starts with "I belong to YOU, I am not my own; Kathy Troccoli's "I Belong to YOU" released this same year goes "I am not my own, I belong to YOU..." Incidentally speaking, Richard Page, Steve George & Tommy Funderbunk also provide backing vocals for Amy Grant's "unguarded" released the following year. This is a great ccm lp to have; IS IT AVAILABLE ON CD? ANYONE KNOW?
GOD Bless! -Don

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