Matt Redman - The Unquenchable Worshipper

Saturday 1st September 2001
Matt Redman - The Unquenchable Worshipper
Matt Redman - The Unquenchable Worshipper

STYLE: Christian Teaching
RATING 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
LABEL: Survivor 9780854769957
FORMAT: Book General book
RELEASE DATE: 2018-05-01
RRP: £7.99

Reviewed by Tony Cummings

A paperback of a mere of 80 pages (plus intro by Mike Pilavachi) wouldn't normally get the Cummings thumbs up as down the years I've trawled through dozens of books on the subject of praise and worship. But this really is a gem. The opening chapter explores the need to find the unflinching reality of the Psalmist's lament (did you realise that Christ's words on the cross, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" and later, "Into your hands I commit my spirit," are both from the Psalms?). In Matt's words, "Amazingly, at this point of utter torment, Jesus is offering up the common worship songs of his day. And in so doing he becomes an inspiration to us. Whatever trials lie ahead in this life, unquenchable worshippers are found wih a song of undying worship on their lips." There are more insights elsewhere-like Matt's personal struggle with tendonitis, recounted in The Undone Worshipper chapter.As the book for "worshippers who long for their hearts, lives and songs to be the kind of offerings God is looking for."

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Product Description
The Unquenchable Worshipper issues a passionate call for a return to an unadulterated, first-love lifestyle of worship

Classic bestseller now available again!

The Unquenchable Worshipper issues a passionate call for a return to an unadulterated, first-love lifestyle of worship. In his first book release, respected worship leader and songwriter Matt Redman writes: “The revelation of God is the fuel for the fire of our worship. And there is always more fuel for the fire.

When we open the eyes of our heart, God’s revelation comes flying at us from so many different angles.” Open the eyes of your heart and let the gut-level message of The Unquenchable Worshipper cause you, like martyred missionary Jim Elliot, to say, “Saturate me with the oil of Thy Spirit, that I may be aflame. Make me Thy fuel O flame of God.”

It’s time to dive into the heart of worship--will you take the plunge?

This book is about a certain kind of worshipper.

On a quest to bring glory and pleasure to God, these worshippers will not allow themselves to be distracted or defeated. They long for their hearts, lives and songs to be the kind of offerings God is looking for. At life’s apex or at it’s lowest ebb, an unquenchable worshipper is one who rests in an underlying trust in God and worships before an audience of One.

Enter the place where your fire for God cannot be washed away.

Become an unpredictable, undivided, unquenchable worshipper.

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