Marilla Ness - Songbook

Saturday 1st October 1994
Marilla Ness - Songbook
Marilla Ness - Songbook

RATING 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
LABEL: Merciful Love Music
FORMAT: Book Music/song book

Reviewed by Tony May

A generous 52 songs, the most requested ones from Manila's superfine recordings. The original sources cover a wide range. Quite a few are actually familiar worship pieces which you might already have the music for. The real treat is in the inclusion of some fine material from more obscure sources, including excellent songs from the USA Catholic Charismatic Renewal, writers such as Tom McGuinness and Gerard Markland. Some more traditional pieces, eg, "He Touched Me" and "How Great Thou Art" add a balance and some of the excellent, lesser known items include "The Love I Have For You" and "Oh The Word Of My Lord". A very welcome resource, all you have to do now is reproduce the voice.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Joseph m Wadhams in Essex County @ 03:12 on Apr 4 2017

Hi marilla ness
Im a great fan of yours the first tape
I have of yours is Holy one of israil
Now i have many more & i love them
I use them in my prsyer time & i get so blessed
From the Lord. Blessings joseph

Posted by Peggy Carter in St. Joe, Arkansas USA @ 16:37 on Jan 11 2012

I was channel surfing one Sunday when I was too sick to go to church and got on the Catholic channel and heard Marilla for the first time. Wonderful voice, wonderful music, such a pretty, sweet lady and couldn't wait to get her DVD's and CDs. Marilla, I hope you sing FOREVER. The Lord has anointed you and your voice is the sweetest ever!

Posted by Renate Forsch in Comox,BC Britsh Columbia @ 19:47 on Dec 3 2006

I am a fan of Marilla and would like to know how to get her Song Book.
Have been trying for some time,no luck!
What a beautiful voice the Lord gave Marilla!
Hope to hear from you!
Renate Forsch.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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