Maltfriscans - Tear Down Heaven

Monday 1st February 1993
Maltfriscans - Tear Down Heaven

STYLE: Roots/Acoustic
RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
LABEL: Independent
FORMAT: Cassette Album

Reviewed by Tony May

An acoustic folk-based collection of new worship songs from the Charismatic Catholic group. The songs hark back to the Fisherfolk days, plenty of full harmony vocals, nifty arrangements and reverent atmosphere. Not that it sounds dated, though. The songs carry a deep refreshment, some compatible contemporary embellishments are added to the music and the voices are thankfully free of the horrendous weediness often associated with the genre. Some songs could well be picked up for use in the wider church and are just that little shade different from most conveyor-belt p&w product. Once studio costs have been met, all moneys from sales of the tape will go to CAFOD for overseas aid. So get your cheques and POs off to Southampton.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Chris Graham in Scotland @ 13:40 on Apr 28 2009

I think Tear Down Heaven is a fantastic album. I was once involved with the Malt Friscans years ago. Thye tried to help me at the time but i was unreachable back then. Now im fine loving the lord. I often sing Shelter of Elyon in churches i visit, its such a moving soning. The album is great. This is the praise music that should be filling our churches and streets.

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