MTK (More Than Karaoke) - Touching Splendour

Published Thursday 10th February 2005
MTK (More Than Karaoke) - Touching Splendour
MTK (More Than Karaoke) - Touching Splendour

RATING 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 12572-1797
LABEL: Independent

Reviewed by John Baugh

Yet again I'm struck by the simple fact that out there, there are lots and lots of people writing and playing songs, dedicated to celebrating Jesus themselves and to encourage others to do likewise. More Than Karaoke - now that's a clever name - hail from North Wales and remind us all that the singing Christians do when they get together, really is more than a sing-along. The band is built around the Rowlands family, most particularly around Tim's songwriting, vocals and keyboard playing. But make no mistake, it is a real band sound. The songs are definitely in the worship area, focused as they are on God and our response to him. The accompanying newsletter makes it clear that MTK are certainly hard workers, and much travelled including to the US during 2004. For me it was the live tracks that caught the attention. Firstly that they were recorded very well, then for the top quality playing but above all what grabbed my attention was the passion to worship God that they show.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Chloe in BLACKBURN @ 20:27 on Aug 3 2005

Hey i know the rowlands lads quite well, they are awesome mighty men of God and have put alot of effort into this cd! Right at this moment i am listenin to there new one which cant get any better unless dan was playing on the drums!

Posted by Jeff Pearson in North Wales @ 00:52 on Jul 19 2005

I think this is a great CD, great to listen to in your car while driveing around. Each track is differant which i like, to many bands sound the same on every track. My favourite track is the one where Tim Rowlands plays is squeeze box. My grandson keeps asking for that one to be repeated. If you want to know which track it is buy the CD and find out for yourself, you wont regret it. It will be the best £10 you have spent. These guys love the Lord and it ouzes out of every track.

Posted by Jon Roberts in North Wales @ 00:18 on Jul 19 2005

This is an excellent album with a strong worship base. I would recommend this album, and would suggest that you visit the band's website

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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