La Colombina - Christmas In Spain And Mexico

Published Wednesday 11th December 2013
La Colombina - Christmas In Spain And Mexico
La Colombina - Christmas In Spain And Mexico

STYLE: Choral
RATING 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
LABEL: Christophorus Entrée CHE01892

Reviewed by Steven Whitehead

While there is much to admire on this recording I must open with a warning that this is a budget re-release of something first issued in 1996, so if you are at all interested in Renaissance vocal music you may have this in a different sleeve. The music is enjoyable but, it has to be said, slightly on the obscure side. The composers named on the cover - presumably to entice us in - are Christobal de Morales, Tomas Louis de Victoria, Francisco Guerrero, Gaspar Fernandez, Juan Gutierrez de Padilla and not forgetting "et al". Reading the smaller print we see that there are some examples of Gregorian chant included which, along with the dates of the composers (all flourishing in the 16th century) gives us a context. Musically we are moving away from the Middle Ages but have not yet become baroque. Theologically - at least in Spain and New Spain - the Reformation has not happened so the Blessed Virgin Mary shares centre stage with her Son and much of the singing is in Latin. The singing is noteworthy. In 1996 La Colombina was a quartet of Maria Cristina Kiehr (soprano), Claudio Cavina (alto), Josep Benet (tenor) and Josep Cabre (baritone). All sing well and in combination are as clear and refreshing as a mountain stream. As background music - a waste of such talent, let it be said - this is most pleasant and for those wanting to explore off the beaten track this is a most interesting and enjoyable journey.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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