Kent Henry - So Close To You

Monday 1st June 1998
Kent Henry - So Close To You
Kent Henry - So Close To You

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
LABEL: Hosanna 11542
RRP: £4.99

Reviewed by Mike Rimmer

Some live praise music from a man who has gained a reputation for recording albums that are powerfully prophetic and frequently spontaneous. It's that prophetic edge which gives this album a spiritual kick beyond the huge number of run of the mill praise-by-numbers worship recordings on the market. Previous recordings have been focussed on very gentle worship and so it's a joy to see Kent letting rip with some out and out praise tunes. "I Set My Sights On Jesus" sets the pace but it's only on the closing two songs. "Jump up" and the bluesy harmonica fuelled "Freedom Train" that Kent pulls out all of the stops! Rip roaring and exciting praise it is too, guaranteed to raise a rafter near you! Even with all of this excitement, it's no surprise to find that it's the gentler ones that Tiller their way through all the excitements and lodge themselves in the heart. Kent has a knack for creating an intimacy in worship that allows the prophetic side of his music to touch you. I love the title song with its theme of abiding which then builds into "Caught Up Caught Away" and "In The Silence" with their spontaneous musical passages and mood of yearning. "Send Your Fire" is trademark Kent Henry with simple musical backing and a prayer for personal revival. The song ends with a lengthy spontaneous sequence, so gentle and yet deeply arresting as Kent sings what sounds like a spontaneous prophetic song, "The Rain Falls Again". Kent Henry has something special. This one ministered to me.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Product Description
From the intimate So Close To You and the powerful Faithful God to the inspiring Freedom Train, Kent Henry leads a worship event that will encourage believers to throw off the shackles of earthly bondage and find their freedom in Christ.

Reader Comments

Posted by alvino tambayong in banten,indonesia @ 19:47 on Nov 23 2006

i am very blessed with this album.All the songs.....i just drowning in God secret place.Thank u pastor kent.Jesus Christ bless u n your family

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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