Kensington Temple - Our God Is Good

Sunday 1st December 1991
Kensington Temple - Our God Is Good
Kensington Temple - Our God Is Good

RATING 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
LABEL: Kingsway KMCD507
RRP: £8.99

Reviewed by Tony Cummings

There was a time when praise and worship albums seemed to be seriously damaging my spiritual life. As editor and chief reviewer of a Christian music magazine every month I was faced with a formidable wedge of mushy peas worship albums which seemed to suck me into a torpa. It's spiritually confusing to be bored silly by songs supposed to be drawing me closer to God. But suddenly a resounding Praaaiiise God! reverberates around the cupboard Cummings calls an office. For at last all kinds of unexpected praise and worship delights are coming onto the Christian bookshop CD racks. Like this nine caret beauty. It helps that you've got a church stuffed full of pop, CCM and black gospel talents like Kensington Temple. But it still needed a deft touch, and producer Les Moir gives it just that, to get all that awesome singing talent - David Grant, Nanette Welmans and seemingly a good chunk of LCGC past and present - and channel it into such a spirit uplifting praise celebration. The vocal arrangements (by David Grant and Lawrence Johnson) are faultless, the choice of songs inspired and I'll be praising God with this album for years to come.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Samuel Uzosike in NEW YORK @ 01:06 on May 19 2019

I searched for this song until I got the CD 17 year later. I play it all the time. I wonder why Kingsway Music stopped the production. I am ready to share

Posted by tom in kenya, east africa @ 00:52 on May 31 2015

Where can I find the album OUR GOD IS GOOD by Kensington available for online purchase?

Posted by Kehinde Ajibola in Lagos, Nigeria @ 11:46 on Mar 2 2009

I would like to get the Album GOD is so good. Anyone know where I can get it

Posted by Valerie in N.M. @ 22:10 on May 28 2008

I can't find the words to this song .Please send it to me Thanks valerie

Posted by John Lawas in Cebu City, Philippines @ 13:27 on Sep 15 2006

Can I have the lyrics of the song entitled "God is so good". We love to sing it in our church but we don't have the lyrics. Hope you can send me as soon as possible. Thanks!

Your brother in the Lord,

Reply by uzosike samuel in New York @ 11:45 on Sep 28 2012

The lord is so good * 3
He reigns on high in majesty
the widows heart cause us to sing
He hears the cry of the fatherless
The depths of your love
who can comprehend
For the natural things speak of the invisible
look around and see
who could deny the wonders of his love

I will listen to the tracks again to write them all

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The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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