Kay J - Let Me Take You

Published Monday 20th February 2006
Kay J - Let Me Take You

STYLE: Hip-Hop
RATING 5 5 5 5 5
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 14624-10375
LABEL: Independent

Reviewed by David Bain

The first solo release for this new UK talent carries the hallmarks of great potential. Kay-J (Johnny Kamara) is a strong, upfront rapper, branching out from London's hip-hop collective ATG Empire. This single is to get the taste buds watering for the full-length album, due 2007. The lyrics are heartfelt, urging the listener to simply leave behind life's problems and go to a place of peace and fun for all. That's all very nice, but I'm left wanting more content in these words. Unusually, the album will be almost entirely written and produced by Kay-J, worrying me slightly, as this single track is not a real stunner. It's not bad, but it could have gone further. I'm confident that with plans for guest spots and MP3 releases on the web in the run up to the debut, future tunes will exceed this average release.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Flamur in London @ 16:08 on May 10 2006

This guy, along with Vizualies came to our school today and talked to us about having a voice in the world and stuff relating to that. They also performed some of their songs, and I have to say we all loved it. All the energy was there and we all enjoyed Kay-J. He really can impress people who, talking about myself, have never liked rap/hip-hop, but have suddenly found an interest in it.

Posted by Elena in London @ 17:11 on Mar 1 2006

As the manager of this artist, I am both pleased and slightly disappointed with the comments made in the review. Kay is working his 2nd mixed tape at the moment and is preparing for his first showcase in April. I plan to keep you updated with the latest news and releases on Kay-J in the future.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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