Johann Sebastian Bach - Cantatas 44

Published Saturday 5th December 2009
Johann Sebastian Bach - Cantatas 44
Johann Sebastian Bach - Cantatas 44

STYLE: Choral
RATING 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 87137-32458

Reviewed by Steven Whitehead

We have three cantatas on this Super Audio CD, all composed for use in Leipzig in 1726. We open with "Wir Mussen Durch Viel Trubsal In Das Reich Gottes Eingehen" ("We Must Through Much Tribulation Enter Into The Kingdom Of God") (BWV 146). The text, by an unknown author, is intended for Jubilate Sunday and refers to John 16: 16-23, with the promise from Jesus that "your sorrow shall be turned into joy". The piece opens with a charming Sinfonia played on a Marc Garnier organ of 1983 by Masato Suzuki and with plenty of opportunities for the chorus and vocal soloists to shine. As we have come to expect from the Bach Collegium, Japan, the choir and instrumentalists (and conductor) are Japanese with European soloists. Once again we have Rachel Nicholls (soprano), Robin Blaze (counter-tenor), Gerd Turk (tenor), and Peter Kooij (bass). All are as good as ever. Next we hear "Gott Fahret Auf Mit Jauchzen" ("God Is Gone Up With A Shout") (BWV 43) a song for Ascension Day which is based on a work by his kinsman Johann Ludwig Bach (1677-1731) but if you want the full story you must buy the CD and read the booklet for yourself. The closing cantata is "Siehe, Ich Will Viel Fischer Aussenden" ("Behold, I Will Send For Many Fishers") (BWV 88) for the fifth Sunday after Trinity. Again, there is some superb singing and here we also get an interesting trumpet line, played by Toshio Shimada. Once again, Suzuki maintains the high standard he has set and once again those who have been following this series will not be disappointed. However, any who are new to the sublime music of Johann Sebastian Bach may not find this the most accessible place to start.

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