Reader Comments
I do find it interesting that you listened to the entire CD and came up with only negative comments. I also find it ironic that you would take a beautiful lyric from a song that is about not feeling relevant, or not good enough, but simply giving yourself to God. As that's all He asks from us, all He wants to hear is our voice in praise to Him.
So you take that lyric out of context and it is rather amusing, but you completely miss the message. This CD is all about heart, perserverance and hope. NOT perfection. Sincerely in Christ, your friend, Jeremy.
Thank you for being honest. I simply took the resources I had and did as much as I could with them, it's better than doing nothing at all. Thanks again for the constructive criticism I will take it and grow from it. Take care and God bless. Sincerely in Christ, Jeremy
Whoever wrote that review at the top of Jeremy's website should be ashamed of himself... I think that he is a very good writer and he should get praise for his first CD! I believe the reviewer shows a lack of maturity spiritually. This CD is spiritual and should be approached as such!!!! I'd like to see you do any better!! :7P
P.S.- Think about what you should say before you say it!! Or else you'll get messages like this one!!!!