Reader Comments
I enjoyed this album/CD. It was refreshing yet exciting. What made me check it out was James Lidgett saying it was repetitive. I have yet to hear a song that wasn't. Also, the voices seemed fine to me. There were some areas where I felt like just shouting "Praise The Lord," especially when I listened to "He Delivered Me." That song makes the CD to me.
I am really glad I got this CD. Can't wait to see what else this group does.
I usually don't get into what reviewers have to say about an artist, because all are entitled to opinions. However, what shocks me is a person saying a song is repetitive when all song are repetitive. There isn't a song out that doesn't repeat lines.
As far as subpar vocals, this is same group recently was voted as "The Best Gospel Group 2007," in the San Francisco Bay Area by the Black Music Association. So I would only ask that Mr. Lidgett reframe from commenting on what he doesn't really understand and/or know.
Yes, I do work with this group!