Haydn, The Medici Quartet - The Sun Quartet

Friday 1st April 1994
Haydn, The Medici Quartet - The Sun Quartet

STYLE: Classical
RATING 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
LABEL: Medici-Whitehall 5001/2

Reviewed by John Irvine

Franz Joseph Haydn was a contemporary of, and a great friend to, Mozart. He has in fact for many years languished in the shadow of his more famous friend, but for the last decade or so something of a Haydn revival has been taking place, almost flooding the market place with recordings. As a composer, Haydn had humble beginnings - talent alone took him to the centre of European fame and society. He was the father of the string quartet as we know it. Little surprise then that his sets of string quartets remain unsurpassed in the quality, musicality and inventiveness. The Opus 20 quartets - the 'Sun' quartets - were completed shortly before his 40th birthday and show a composer entering a phase of unprecedented originality and genius. For the first time Haydn achieved in the medium of the string quartet a technical maturity which was fully equal to his inspiration. Yet these quartets were the product of labours during his spare time! This recording features the world-renowned Medici String Quartet, one of the leading interpreters of the Haydn quartets. This double disc set is beautifully recorded and the performers generate a sense of excitement as well as fun and enjoyment in their playing - emotions Haydn himself probably experienced as he wrote these quartets and began to realise how great his accomplishment was. The Medici Quartet play 18th century instruments which to my ears better suit Haydn's music than those of modern counterparts. A quite beautiful tone is created. An excellent performance.

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