El-Shaddi - Man O' Man

Thursday 1st October 1992
El-Shaddi - Man O' Man

STYLE: Reggae
RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
LABEL: Independent
FORMAT: Cassette Album

Reviewed by Tony Cummings

Their first tape was very interesting, their second con­firms suspicions that El-Shaddi are a good band with a difference, a considerable difference. Their major musical influence is reggae. Though there's nothing really heavy enough here to warrant their claim to ragga (now 'gospel ragga', that's what I call a RADI­CAL concept) they do have a touch of authenticity about their musical approach which makes their tape always listenable despite the lack of production and occasional lapses in pitching of the lead singer. Defi­nitely a band to look out for

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