Disciple - Attack

Published Sunday 23rd November 2014
Disciple - Attack
Disciple - Attack

RATING 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 153073-22347
LABEL: Independent

Reviewed by Paul S Ganney

Disciple have spent the last 10 years away from their indie rock roots but have returned with a vengeance carrying just the one ballad and a few slow/quiet bits to show where they've been. There's an interesting worship chorus-style chant to "Radical" as well. This is very much Kevin Young's band and has had a reputation as a bit of a revolving door in the past. So have the Knoxville-based rockers arrived at a creative high point? If you'd come to this album fresh with no sense of the history, then there is nothing to disappoint: it's a very good, very solid album though I wasn't too sure about the sentiment of "if you're looking for a fight then you've come to the right place, baby" ("Attack"). With that proviso, the rest of the album works well with great riffs, strong vocals (lead and backing), good production and some occasional changes of mood and tempo. Better, lyrically, is "The Name" where the defiance of "I will not be afraid to speak your name" goes perfectly with the aggressive pace and guitar tone. Also of note is the riffing on "Scarlet" (as in "though my sins be as.") which counterbalances well the theme of the song: the dropping in and out of guitars and odd omitted beats in the drumming make you sit up and notice. Lyrically 'Attack' finishes strongly ("Just at the right time God comes crashing in"). Welcome back guys.

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