Dallas Holm - Classics

Dallas Holm - Classics

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING Not Rated
LABEL: Greentree
FORMAT: 12 inch vinyl Album

Reader Comments

Posted by Don in state of Delaware @ 20:44 on Dec 2 2010

What a nice collection of works throughout the career of Dallas Holm and his group Praise. Surely this set would not be complete without his inspirational hit "Rise Again" from 1979. I believe that "I Saw the LORD", was the first song that I ever heard by him on ccm radio:from late 1981. I luv this song, thanks for such a great song Dallas:definitely in the halls of ccm history. "I've been bought the blood of the LAMB, "OH WHAT A PRICE". There are not enough songs out there about the blood, thank you Dallas for this song. "HE Knew Me Then" is a top lp fave; it is such a masterpiece recording, nothing short of beautiful. Dallas released 2 albums in 1979; one lp titled "All That Matters" contained the song "A Broken Heart" that started the list of songs: of course the other lp was "HIS Last Days" that contains the historic song "Rise Again". "Here we Are" & "At my Worst..." are from the 1978 album "Tell 'Em Again". Dallas had a tv show on TBN that I happened to get to see now and then; he showcased several of his well-known songs. GOD Bless! -Don

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