Reader Comments
Posted by Allan VillaLobos. in Costa Rica @ 16:59 on May 29 2006
You are great, you have God's inspiration. In some way your discs came to Costa Rica where I could buy them, it's really hard to see nice music like this around here. Dios les bendiga (God bless you)
You are great, you have God's inspiration. In some way your discs came to Costa Rica where I could buy them, it's really hard to see nice music like this around here. Dios les bendiga (God bless you)
Posted by Flavio in Brazil @ 07:06 on May 1 2006
I have heard this cd..it great! a friend has lend it to me..but he lost it some how...i been trying to buy it..or at least downlçoad it from someone in zpoc...but noone has it!!!!! not even the pleople from christafari fans are likely to have it....... SO, if anyone has this cd, please please i beg...get in touch w/ me ..
jesus bless
I have heard this cd..it great! a friend has lend it to me..but he lost it some how...i been trying to buy it..or at least downlçoad it from someone in zpoc...but noone has it!!!!! not even the pleople from christafari fans are likely to have it....... SO, if anyone has this cd, please please i beg...get in touch w/ me ..
jesus bless
Reply by Phillip in Phoenix, AZ USA @ 04:33 on Sep 8 2006
You can still buy one from this website:
http://qualityjunk.com/index.php?main_page=product_music_inf o&cPath=9&products_id=1332
Hope this was helpful.
You can still buy one from this website:
http://qualityjunk.com/index.php?main_page=product_music_inf o&cPath=9&products_id=1332
Hope this was helpful.
The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.
Please tell me where I can buy a copy of 'Reggae Worship Vol 2'.