Charlie Daniels - The Ultimate Collection

Published Friday 6th April 2007
Charlie Daniels - The Ultimate Collection
Charlie Daniels - The Ultimate Collection

STYLE: Country
RATING 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 22092-12338
LABEL: Sparrow SPD73849
RELEASE DATE: 2007-02-09
RRP: £12.99

Reviewed by Dave Brassington

The album title is a misnomer as it should have been called the 'ultimate gospel collection', comprising as it does 24 tracks from Charlie's previous three gospel albums. The first CD of this 2CD set consists of 12 tracks from his 'How Sweet The Sound' double album, which featured renditions of well known gospel classics, ie, "Amazing Grace", "In The Garden" and "Blessed Assurance". As a long time fan of Charlie's, I thoroughly enjoyed the original album. The second CD comprises tracks from 'The Door' and 'Steel Witness' albums, which were much more representative of Charlie's heavier country rock comprising mainly original newer and hard hitting songs such as "Jesus Died For You" and a song about the Second Coming called "Tribulation". However my personal favourite has to be "Two Out Of Three" from 'The Door' album, which deserves a much wider hearing. If you didn't get any of these albums the first time around, this compilation is thoroughly recommended.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Norma Shaw in United Kingdom @ 12:33 on Dec 23 2008

Hi I tried to find CD's by Charlie Daniels this morning in HMV and they had never heard of him!!!
Where will I find his tracks in music shops? I live in Surrey. Nearest shopping place is Epsom, Kingston and Guildford.

Thank you

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