Reader Comments
Fab album, reckon these guys could go a long way with songs like this. Real energy and depth to their music. Recommended.
Great Cd Jamie!
Lovely to hear Do you believe? developed from those early days.
this album makes me wanna dance. Great review
Yep - checked out the site and downloaded the album...nice! thanks - great album!
Great to hear this being playlisted. JUST downloaded it from itunes now and the free download from the site is excellent. (and hint - on the album!) long time since we heard from 'Careless'. A brilliant long overdue debut. the site btw is www.careless.me.uk
A stunning record. People on the scene have been waiting for this album for a while now. The Careless boys put in a good show. Highlights include 'Apollo 13', '25 feet' 'chelsea park' 'do you belive in love' and 'people in my head' and absolute stormer of an album...great to see Careless riding high where they belong....at the top!
rate this! some belters on here....and 'do you believe?' may well represent a splash in the future of christian music. nice -well worth it.