Bryan Duncan - The Last Time I Was Here

Tuesday 1st December 1998
Bryan Duncan - The Last Time I Was Here
Bryan Duncan - The Last Time I Was Here

RATING 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
LABEL: Myrrh 080688588120
RRP: £4.99

Reviewed by Mike Rimmer

Bryan Duncan's long solo career since he burst onto the fledgling CCM scene with Sweet Comfort Band has been characterised by many good albums and some great vocal performances. Duncan has one of THE great blue eyed soul voices but seldom has an album been such a rich showcase for his vocal talents as "The Last Time I Was Here". For much of his career his albums have been verging on the morose as he's struggled with his faith and those struggles have come out through the stereo speakers in many different shades of blue. But after the refreshing brightness that shone through last year's "Blue Skies", this new set finally gives us the Bryan Duncan album we've dreamed of! This album is ALIVE!! Don't know if it's just coincidence but for the first time Duncan himself has taken hold of the production reins for this album and maybe he's finally indulged and let loose those funky inclinations because boy does this cook. The up front vibey positive anthem of "Yes I Will" opens this set and every Christian should listen to this song twice a day just to ensure that you see things the way God does! "God Knows" is a multi vocal groove that suddenly breaks down into audio slow motion at the end - ear catching or what! "This Love Is What I Get" is another soulful moment and Bryan Duncan has never sounded so downright smokin'! "Sometimes In The Dark" is built on a Stax style walking bass riff with plenty of electric piano and passion. At the other extreme "Strollin' On The Water" and the title cut are great spiritual allegories, the former an inspirational shuffling pop tune, complete with sound affects, encouraging the listener to emulate St Peter; the title cut is simply Duncan acknowledging how a visit to a childhood home made him realise how much he had grown spiritually as his life had unfolded. Lyrical depth which maintains the honest integrity of the best of his earlier work but which provokes life into the listener. Bryan Duncan has musically stepped up the pace and delivered an album that packs a musical and spiritual punch. Knockout!

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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