Bill Gaither Trio - In Retrospect

Bill Gaither Trio - In Retrospect

STYLE: Southern Gospel
RATING Not Rated
LABEL: Impact 2R3367
FORMAT: 12 inch vinyl Album

Reader Comments

Posted by Don in state of Delaware @ 19:33 on Aug 27 2012

Classic vinyl albums of Bill Gaither Trio are lacking a great cd rerelease; this is another one! This jam packed 2 record set has previous songs from earlier lps prior to this 1975 recording. The songs of Bill &
Gloria Gaither were always a welcomed addition to any Bible believing home. When you open the album,
the words to every song are printed inside.
The late Dottie Rambo's 1966 "Remind Me Dear LORD" is included on this set. The late Danny Gaither is heard soloing "Longing For Home"; he no more will ever long. The favorite "Happiness" starts side 2.
"I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary" is at the top of the list of Bill Gaither favorites. "A Little Bit of Sun-
shine" from 1970 cannot keep gloom around.
I love "Silver that Nailed Him to the Cross" a 1953 tune written by Floyd Wilson. The well known church chorus "Sweet, Sweet Spirit" written in 1963 by
Doris Akers; still heard today: what a testimony!
The words to 1968 "Why Should I Worry or Fret" still
apply today; I like this one a lot!
GOD Bless! - Don

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