Ashok Kumar - Reach Out To Jesus

Published Thursday 20th October 2005
Ashok Kumar - Reach Out To Jesus
Ashok Kumar - Reach Out To Jesus

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING 5 5 5 5 5
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 13746-7768
LABEL: Independent
RRP: £10.00

Reviewed by Tony Cummings

One of the unacclaimed pioneers of Asian involvement in Christian music is Middlesex-based Ashok Kumar. For over 30 years he has conducted gospel concerts and sung at evangelistic crusades showing himself to be a faithful minister of the Gospel. In August '81 Ashok received a healing from a serious kidney disease. So what is his music like? If you are looking for cutting edge bangra or even the kind of contemporary worship that Martin Smith produced on the groundbreaking 'Asia Worships' album in 1993, you'd better look elsewhere. Ashok's music is strictly from an early era and heavily influenced by the Southern gospel-tinged MOR of the '70s and '80s. On this album, produced by Stephen Carmichael, he performs covers of material from sources like Lanny Wolfe and Ralph Carmichael. But Ashok's smooth, easy listening stylings aren't without appeal for an older audience.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Pastor Denis Beedie in Aberdeen Scotland @ 00:04 on Feb 20 2010

I have known Ashok and his family since 1971 when they then lived in Maidenhead. When I pastored the Assembly of God Church in Southall, in the 1980`s, Ashok regularly ministered in Testimony and Song at our regular services and Conventions and I can say without hesitation, that his ministry was a wonderful inspiration to all, a truly unique voice born of a truly dedicated life to Christ. Until you have heard Ashok sing then...`you ain`t heard nothing yet`.

Posted by julia in southall @ 19:50 on Feb 10 2006

It is very goooooooooooooodddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.And the best singer ever made . Iam happy to have him in my church .he sings like elvis.he is the best.

Posted by rebecca k in southall @ 19:00 on Nov 13 2005

really gud sings and as most ppls sey sings lyk elvis presley but he's my dad and all he's gud singa gud 4 both old an youn get it while it lasts but most of all dis work is inspirin and gud 4 jesus it is touchin and all and u can feel da holy spirit while it is playn just coz he's my dad dozn't mean i'll just rite gud fings its coz its a truely gud cd lyk all da ppl ave rittn and many more hu aven't keep up da gud work bredrin

Posted by Allan C Verghese in Southall, Middlesex @ 18:32 on Nov 13 2005

When I listened to Br.Ashok's Cd(Reach out to Jesus) it really took nme to some olden days. His voice was perfect matching for those songs. and i really appreaciate him for the wonderful work he have done. The whole cd shows that true love of jesus. and br.Ashok wants the listeners also to enjoy the love from Jesus that he is experiencing.
I really love the songs> I beleive he can come up with more of like these songs.
I wish him all the sucess and May God bless him in aboundantly.

Posted by manjit in london @ 11:32 on Oct 29 2005

I have been listening to Ashok's songs for a couple of years, and find them very inspiring. He has a great passion for the Lords work and it is reflected in his songs. keep up the good work!

Posted by Jai Chandra in Southall, Middlesex @ 13:43 on Oct 26 2005

I have experienced Brother Ashok's songs for many years. His voice seems to have an eternal depth that has not waned over all those years of ministry.

Ashok's style is unique and his choice of music on this latest CD provides a classical variety that I believe the listener will find both inspirational and refreshing.

Well done Bro Ashok on this quality production.

Jai Chandra

Posted by J. Pereira in Middlesex @ 21:46 on Oct 25 2005

I’ve known Brother Ashok for more than 18 years; I and Ashok have two things in common Jesus being the first and our taste in classical music in the regions of Jazz, Soul, Blues, rock n Roll, My Favourite Song from Ashok will always be “The way” The one on this CD is good but I still prefer the more Rock, n roll version he released in the 80’s on LP.
The CD is a good buy if you like your Classic gospel Rhythms keep it up Bro Ashok You have been a blessing to all with your Contemporary flavour of classical gospel Music.

Friend Brother in Christ

J. Pereira

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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