Andrew Culverwell - Take Another Look

Andrew Culverwell - Take Another Look
Andrew Culverwell - Take Another Look

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING Not Rated
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 14671-18256
LABEL: DaySpring DST4005
FORMAT: 12 inch vinyl Album
RRP: £4.99

Reader Comments

Posted by lucy loding in plainfield il @ 01:00 on Oct 5 2011

saw andrew culverwell in iowa 30-40 years ago and purchased records. all scratched now and jumping. can I get cd's or whatever?
also, would like to visit his church

Posted by Donna Rau in Bartlesville, OK @ 16:43 on Jun 30 2007

I also heard Mr. Culverwell in Ia. and have been trying to find copies of his music. I love his voice. Where can I find C.D's ?

Posted by Anne Cullen in Paris, TN @ 20:06 on Aug 27 2006

Years ago, when I taught Acteens and went to a convention, Mr. Culverwell was the featured artist. I love his music and always will. One of my favorite songs is "Through Some Others Eyes", at least I believe that is the title.

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