Reader Comments
Happy Lambs not only exalts the Lord but the music arrangements are great. A breath of fresh air.
I love that after all these years, Alwyn is still living his life ministering to God's people. His sermons show his love for Jesus and his congregation glows with God's warm love. You feel it the second you walk in the door of the church! I'm encouraged to know someone I followed at concerts back in my school years remains walking by Jesus' side.
This is good stuff that you cant get no more. Larrys influence all over it,especially at the begimnning. Alwyns Lennon like voice. the mighty Barrett on guitar,giving Clapton a run for his money.Sometimes sounding more like Dire Straights than Dire Straights. For me this is like getting a new Beatles album, the memories come flooding back. Beautiful. Even a cup of tea with a birdsong. WhY oh why is this deleted.
What a great album from a great man!
your friend
John Hartley
the best christian record since the prize. well worth the 25 year wait. the music was good but the message was getting better!
I love this album! My CD broke though. Does anyone know where I can get a copy? Please help!