Sarah was married to Abraham and God had renamed them as a mother and father of a great nation, the only problem was Sarah was barren and could have no children. Sarah believed that her barrenness prevented God’s promises coming true for her and her husband so she gave Abraham her servant girl to bear him children, but it all ended in disaster and God in His miraculous power enabled Abraham and Sarah to have a son, Isaac, in the twilight years of their lives. (Read Genesis 11: 27-31 and chapter 17 for the full version of the story)
So often we thing that barrenness and circumstances in our lives prevent God fulfilling His promises but if the only thing that we learn from the story of Sarah and Abraham is that when God makes a promise He keeps it, then we have come a long way. When we pray, so often we try to manipulate God into an answer and help Him out, but God will have His way in the end in our lives and He will provide an answer in a miraculous way, if necessary, because He demands all the glory.
When you pray from your barren place, don’t try to manipulate God for an answer that is not His own and remember He does not need your help for the answer to His promises for your life. God will bring life; remember the last study,
“…now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it?” Isaiah 43: 19
Only believe and in time God will bring a miracle out of the barrenness.
Sara Jukes