Over the last few weeks we’ve looked at ways people pray in the Bible and how you can adapt these to your own prayer life, but the main topic of this teaching series is Creative Prayer. There is a movement that is spreading around the globe called 24-7 prayer. Churches, cities and denominations do full weeks, months and even years of prayer and they have a prayer room where people go to pray 24 hours a day for 7 days a week. Check out the website,
The reason I’m telling you about this movement is because of what God does in Exodus when He calls the Israelites to build the tabernacle so he could dwell there by His Spirit. The tabernacle is almost the Old Testament version of what your heart is today – when you ask Jesus to be King of your life His Spirit comes and dwells in your heart, in the same way in the Old Testament the Spirit came and lived in the tabernacle.
In Exodus 35: 30-35 it talks about how God set certain men apart to be creative in His tabernacle, to create all of the beautiful designs and ornaments, drapes and tapestry. Therefore if God can set men aside to decorate His house then today why not set yourself time apart to decorate your heart and life. Be creative in your expressions of love to God. If He loved it then, He’ll love it now.
Sara Jukes