If you think, I’m not good at learning other languages, well neither am I – one of my greatest fears is living in a country where I can’t speak the local language. However the great joy in learning Heavens language, is that when God’s Spirit lives within you, He knows the language of heaven and we can be lead by the Holy Spirit.
Now one reason I never got to grips with French at high school was because I had no interest in learning French. I didn’t know any French people and laziness told me that if I ever went on holiday to France then they could speak English anyway. But I have a vested interest in learning God’s language – He’s the one person I am desperate to talk to and I know is desperate to talk to me. Although He can speak to me regardless, there's a greater level of intimacy that grows out of learning the language of heaven which is well worth the effort. So often in the Bible we see people not recognise the voice of God, i.e. 1 Samuel 3: 1–10. We need to tune in to God and God’s word and praying in tongues are two ways of getting that closer, more intimate relationship with Him.
Sara Jukes