Again we’re back in the Old Testament to see how God is powerful on Moses behalf, you can read the story in Exodus Chapters 1–14. Moses went from adopted son of Pharaoh – King of Egypt to a quivering wreck in the desert after killing a soldier. But God was powerful for Moses. When Moses went back to Egypt to rescue his people the Israelites from Pharaoh he was terrified but God proved Himself to Moses time and again. The Burning bush (Exodus 3) the Plagues (Exodus 7–11) and the grand finale of the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14).
You may say, well that was then and this is now, but God is the same God who performs miracles and is more powerful than any force on earth below earth or in the heavenlies. In Philippians 2: 6–11 it talks about Jesus being given God’s authority and at His name every knee will bow.
So if you feel that this weeks teaching is a bit outdated or it's unlikely to be a way in which God is when you pray, think again! God is that God who Moses knew and He wants to be a God of power and miracles for you and through you – ask Him to show you more of this side of His character today.
Sara Jukes