The Traffic Light System: Green - Go


Desperate for more of God? Don't know how to get it? Longing to talk to Him more but don't know how? Or maybe you're wondering what is prayer anyway? Does it work? How do you do it? What do you pray about?

These short guides about prayer, we hope will take you closer to God and nearer Him in His throne room.

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The Traffic Light System: 4. Green - Go
Well what more is there to say? He is a good and faithful Father and He will not fail to bless us and most importantly provide for us. There are so many Green Lights in our prayer life that I believe we totally miss, mainly because we fail to ask. James 4: 2 says that:

“Yet you do not have because you do not ask”

Dare to pray prayers that you fear may bankrupt Heaven, because God could give you ten times as much. Dare to ask, because even if you hit a Red Light the Red Light means that He has a better way. Step out in faith. A common statement is that you don’t get anything if you don’t ask. It works the same with God, what harm can it do to ask, let Him whisper His plans back to you and you’ll be amazed. And remember, if the light is on Green for Go, don’t be fooled into thinking its on red! Drive through to your blessing and enjoy the Father heart of God!

Sara Hesbrook



Reader Comments

Posted by june in United Kingdom @ 15:52 on Jan 14 2006

thank you. this has been ;so helpfull. it has encorraged me . love the green light. not herd it before ;it made me think. there is so much about prayer we dont know about .

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