When we find that inner sanctuary, our inner Holy of Holies in the temple of our bodies, we can hear and know the heart of God. Once we have heard and know what the heart of God is, we need to hold onto that prayer and continue to pray it for ourselves.
I love to pray with other people for myself, them and others. I love it when we agree in prayer. But the most beautiful thing about praying Spirit led prayers, which are prayers that are according to the will of the Father, is that whether you pray alone or not, in the Heavenlies you are NOT alone. It says that not only is the Holy Spirit interceeding for us (Romans 8: 26) but Jesus too lives to interceed for us (Hebrews 7: 25).
Therefore in my mind its almost like there’s you standing before the throne of God, with Jesus to one side of you and the Holy Spirit to the other. Then at the same time you all pray the same prayer in perfect unison and the Father smiles and nods.
When you have that image in your mind, it inspires you to inquire of the Lord and seek the place where your spirit meets the Holy Spirit. You then join with the Son and Holy Spirit in intercession before the throne, where the Father’s agreement and favour covers you. Take some time, discipline yourself to wait, condition yourself to your spirit and to have a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and meet Abba in the throne room today.
Sara Hesbrook