In Luke 11: 2-4 & Matthew 6: 9-13 Jesus taught us how to pray - the Lord's Prayer though doesn't just have to be a prayer that we copy but it can be a model to base our prayer lives around. This prayer teaches us how to pray... it is put together so to have the maximum effect in the Heavenlies and draw us very close to God. It begins:
"Our Father in Heaven..."
It is important that we pray to our Father God in Heaven, through His Son, Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit. And the fact that we are praying to "OUR Father" not only means immediately that we acknowledge that we are His children but that we are praying to our dad, the person who - knows what is best for us, who loves us unconditionally but most importantly wants to provide like a parent does.
The fact that He is in Heaven shows us that He is greater than us, He is all powerful & He sees so much more than we do.
This beginning part of the prayer is an acknowledgement and from this place of knowing who God is as Father and God Almighty, we are able to build the rest of the prayer and our prayer lives, because we know to whom we come to talk to in prayer...
Sara Hesbrook