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Last updated on Wednesday 5th February at 9:31

Results for 'Soul'

Worship Together 2000
Worship Together line up announced [01.10.00]
Kirk Taken To Task
South African band Khanyisa takes Trevor Kirk to task with regards to review [01.10.00]
Music Deal Collapses
A deal with Alliance Music in the UK has once more floundered [01.10.00]
New Album
Dance group The Prodigal Sons have released a new album called 'Reignite' [01.10.00]
Review Describes Walker Newcomer
In a review Hezekiah Walker has been described as a newcomer [01.10.00]
Poor Attendance
The black gospel festival known as impact 2000 was poorly attended [01.10.00]
Hip Hop Getting Big
Hip Hop is set to get a big exposure within the Christian music world [01.08.00]
Grace To Stop Shootings
A song called "Grace" written by the Prodigal Son and KMA Reveal was inspired by the Nottingham shootings [01.08.00]
Redman Reissue
Artist Matt Redman has released A CD reissue of albums Passion For Your Name' and Wake Up My Soul' [01.08.00]
Modern Worship Explodes
The latest craze in the US is Youth Praise in the Christian community [01.08.00]

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