A Voice Of One choir from Liverpool sing on anti-violence single
A CHRISTIAN minister and one-time winner of the Stars In Your Eyes TV
talent search (as Phil Collins), Liam Moore, is the driving force
behind a unique single with an anti-gun, gang and knife crime message.
A 350-strong choir of five to 17 year olds known as A Voice Of One have
recorded the song "You're The Voice", once a hit for John Farnham.
Said Moore, "This was an opportunity for the community to unite
against the violence often associated with their areas. Through the
power of music and this song, we hope to empower and engage children
and young people to stand up against guns, knives and gang culture and
become positive role models in their communities. Although it is a
Liverpool-led project it has a wider relevance to every inner city in
the UK. It is hoped that people will buy or download the song and send
it to number one in the charts. That way we can send a clear message
to the minority who seek to destroy our communities that we no longer
tolerate their behaviour."