The commercialisation of worship music lampooned in Youtube video
A CONTROVERSIAL satirical music video on Youtube is attracting
considerable attention and comment from fans and the Christian music
industry. British guitarist and singer Mark Hamilton of the band
Quench has recorded and filmed the song "Worship Star", a parody of
Nickelback's "Rock Star". The track, under the name Shekelback, lampoons
the commercialisation of contemporary worship music.
I don't see why anyone's got problems with this video; unless, of course, it's a bit too close to the truth for comfort for some of us?
We've gone form the days of the iron rule of the choir and organist overwhelming the congregation to ... the superstar worship leader and band; it's just good old human nature finding a new cultural medium to be less than all church should be. Some real maturity in all of us would value and embrace musical variety and give it all to God; I clearly remember Ken Riley (of yFriday) silencing a large youth gig crowd who were screaming for an encore and saying, "To end, we'd like to lead you in one of the greatest acts of worship ever..." ... and into the expectant silence the yFriday lads all started together... "Our Father, who art in heaven..." and 700 teenagers and their leaders found themselves joining in, after which the band simply left the stage for the evening!
So, I say, "Good on you Mark!" and to others... "If the cap fits, wear it!"