Nicole Angela Pacifico records album at ICC Studios
A BRITISH born singer Nicole Angela Pacifico, currently living in
the Netherlands but who will shortly be moving back to the UK, has
released the independent album 'Know Who I Am'. The project was
produced and mixed by Neil Costello at ICC Studios and features a bevy
of well known British musicians including Mike Haughton, Mark Edwards,
Phil Crabbe and Mark Prentice.
I'm a bit of the 'old school' in terms of religion, neither am I a fan of Evangelism But I found the songs, drawn from insirational passages and stories from the bible, both pleasurable and easy to listen to and sung beautifully. I gather the CD's are not on sale in shops but are sold at the venues she sings at. I have found out that her family has a supply of these and could put people in touch if anyone is interested. Leave a message on here and I'll see what can be done. A brilliant CD that is worth getting hold of. There was a web site '' but this seems to have gone down for some reason. Perhaps the hosters were in Holland and as she is now living in the UK she has to find a new host. If I hear anything I'll post it.