Veteran gospel singer Charles Butler aiming to lose 200lbs

THE VETERAN gospel singer from Washington DC, Charles Butler, whose
'Make It' album received two Stellar Awards and who will be releasing
a new EP this autumn, partnered with Radio One DC along with DeCalo
Weight Loss, Wellness, and Pain Management Clinic in an effort to lose
over 200lbs in a campaign encouraging others to make it. Said the
singer, "I was at home studying music for the new EP and ran across
the Scripture which said, ''They overcame him by the blood of the
Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.' I knew then that I could do
this. I could make it by the power of his blood and testify to others
they could make it too." In the last four and a half weeks Butler has
lost over 50lbs and is continuing his journey of lifestyle change,
diet and exercise all while maintaining a busy schedule.
Oh yes I love it, I love it. Please text me ur diet plan if not some 2 personal