New album for Yvonne Lyon, Gareth Davies-Jones, David Lyon
THE NORTHUMBERLAND-based singer/songwriter Gareth Davies-Jones, whose Cross Rhythms radio hits include "Broken Things" and "All Things Come", and the Scottish singer Yvonne Lyon, whose "Feel The Light" was a CR radio playlist track, are two of the three featured artists on a new independent album.
'Trace The Line' by Yvonne Lyon, Gareth Davies-Jones and David
Lyon was enthusiastically reviewed in the September/October RnR
magazine. They wrote, "The eclectic nature of their musical influences
does not jar or stumble, but facilitates a suitably rich exercise of
melodic variation where vocal harmony, careful instrumentation and
lyrical ambition (not always successfully realised) to take on complex
subjects comprises an album well worth making, before its originators
return to their separate assignments. The great charm here is that all
variations [of musical style] are most capably performed and no track
loses its way. Lyrics lead in one direction: an estimation of the
human condition and what we can do to deal with it. Insights,
thankfully, abound."