Rockers like Undercover, The Choir, The Altar Boys featured in new book
A BOOK, God's Not Dead (And Neither Are We) by Jerry Wilson, has been
published in the US. It tells the stories of numerous Christian
alternative rock pioneers such as Joe Taylor of Undercover, Steve
Crumbacher of Crumbacher, Steve Hindalong of The Choir, Nancyjo Mann
of Barnabas, Mike Stand of The Altar Boys, Steve Taylor, Kemper Crabb
and many others.
I can't wait to get this. These songs are the ones that are always in my head, and I just sat down and started goggling for Mike Stand, The Choir, Steve Taylor, and up this popped. This was the best music, and I hope to hear new stuff from some of them, and find the old stuff on tapes have worn out long ago!!