Rachael Lampa, Over The Rhine, Building 429 on new album based on the Psalms.
ONE TIME member of the successful CCM duo LaRue, Philip LaRue spoke
recently about the new multi-artist album he has produced based on
Eugene Peterson's popular paraphrase of the Bible, The Message. 'The
Message Psalms' features vocal contributions from Rachael Lampa, Over
The Rhine, Building 429, Jimmy Owens, Venus Hum, Chris Rice, Kendal
Payne and Shawn McDonald. The album, co-produced by LaRue and Monroe
Jones, tackles what LaRue believes is missing in a lot of today's
Christian music. He told CCM magazine, "The album comes the depth of
what it means to be a Christian. In the Psalms are all the highs and
lows. In Christian music we sing and write about a lot of the highs -
the mountaintop experiences - but not about the desert seasons as
much. Yes, there's joy, but there are also times when we're just
holding on, when we cry out to God. We hear a lot about God being
right there, but not as much David's cry of 'Don't remove your Spirit
from me!'"