Canadian composer Jeff Danna features ancient Hebrew instruments in film score.
CANADIAN composer/producer Jeff Danna has been featured in Billboard
talking about his soundtrack for the biblical movie The Gospel Of
John. Danna's soundtrack is described as putting "chants and specialty
instruments from biblical times into a modern orchestral setting." The
Gospel Of John is produced by Toronto-based Visual Bible International
and directed by Philip Saville. It has so far been released in 80
cinemas in North America. The soundtrack album is released by
California-based Varese Sarabande. The ancient instruments featured in
Danna's score include the shofar, a ram's horn used to signal or
announce arrival sistrum and timbrels (early precursors of the
tambourine) harps (known as psalteries) the rabab, a bowed,
three-string fiddle and a variety of neys (ancient flutes).
I bought the DVD over 12 months ago and have watched it countless times but have been unable to get a copy of the truly amazing soundtrack in Australia.