Austin French releases song based on adoption issues

French, who was once the runner-up to Josh Groban on the ABC TV
talent search, Rising Star, and subsequently served as a worship
pastor in Delray Beach, Florida, has released a single "Wide Open"
through Fair Trade Services. The song was inspired by Austin and his
wife Joscelyn's fight to adopt their son. Said French, "That day I
learned first-hand that some of the best things God has for us we may
never even see coming our way. Fighting for that sweet little baby boy
was the hardest thing we have ever walked through and was not a part
of my plan, but I wouldn't trade him for anything. Society teaches us
that we hold the key to our destiny - that it's up to us to make a
life worth living, but I believe it's the opposite. It's when we lay
our life down that we begin to discover the life God has for us.
Because my wife and I were willing to jump into the unknown with our
hands and hearts 'wide open' we watched God do miracles in front of
our eyes. God rescued a little baby boy and gave him a future, a
family, and hope."