Oregon's Sixteen Cities ready self-titled debut
PORTLAND, Oregon-based modern rock band Sixteen Cities have signed with Centricity
Music and are scheduled to release their self-titled debut in April.
The project was produced by Jason Ingram (Meredith Andrews, Tenth
Avenue North), Rusty Varenkamp (Bebo Norman, Rush Of Fools) and Steve
Wilson (Hawk Nelson, Leeland). Said the band's lead vocalist and
keyboardist, Josiah Warneking, "In high school, we started out by
leading our peers in worship on Wednesday mornings and we fell in love
with it. As soon as we graduated, we all prayed and sought God's true
heart and will. We felt called to full-time music ministry, but knew
nothing about the music industry. A week or two later we got a phone
call from a guy with a ministry called Common Ground, which is
basically a huge production with concerts, games and a Gospel
presentation in a public school. So here we were thinking we'd have no
chance to continue singing to students after having just graduated,
and we wound up in front of hundreds and sometimes thousands of
teenagers in gymnasiums singing about Jesus."