Janet Paschal releases 'Sounds Like Sunday' CD
MOR AND Southern gospel singer Janet Paschal has a new hymns album, 'Sounds
Like Sunday', released in the US on Crossroads Music. Said the singer,
"I always knew I'd do it one day. I knew I'd record the songs that I
memorised by mere repetition sitting in the pews of my grandfather's
church. What I did not realise is that those hymns contained theology
which found lodging deep inside the core of who I am. When I was sick
in 2005, I found myself revisiting the musical landmarks of my journey
to Christ. This project is a collection of some of those songs. They
communicate love that is unfathomable. They lend perspective to grim
days. They woo me back to my first love. These hymns read like
literature. They soothe like fragrance. They sound like Sunday."