Veteran Carman announces he has contracted cancer
has been diagnosed with Myeloma Cancer. Wrote the singer, "It is
incurable and I've been given a three to four year window of time.
Tomorrow I go in for my first bone biopsy and the process will start.
I used to go to movies in the afternoon, now I go see doctors. I write
these things for a few reasons. First, I want to put an end to all the
rumours. Second, I ask for your prayers. And third, I want you all to
know that I will continue to minister and win souls until I can't do
it any longer."
I pray for my brother in the Lord. Whatever Gods will is for him. His will be done. I have loved and followed Carman's teachings and ministry. He Always was real and relevant in Christ. May God strengthen him and his family and the family of GOD. Blessings to You My Dear Brother in Christ. Sister Y