Sound Of Steel

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Monday 15th September 2008

Arkansas rockers The Wedding influenced by Johnny Cash on new EP

ARKANSAS-based rock band The Wedding have released a new EP, 'The Sound Of The Steel', in the US. Said the group's lead singer Matt Shelton, "The opening line of our EP, in the very first song, 'Receive' - which is also in a Johnny Cash song - is 'I can hear a train a-comin'.' And basically, in that reference I refer to God as this powerful train. I believe that God is a powerful train that is constantly moving forward. He's got his track laid down, as far as what he's going to do. And all we can do is get on board with what he's already doing. The train is a reference to God and his power and his will. The title 'The Sound Of The Steel' is [also] a reference to that. I believe that we are the sound that the steel makes as the train is moving. When God moved among us as believers, we are that physical sound that people can see and hear and touch and feel." CR

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