The Glorious Unseen's lead vocalist, Ben Crist, releases single "Anoint (Psalm 23)"

Crist of the rock band The Glorious Unseen has released a single
"Anoint (Psalm 23)" after a seven years hiatus. The single is part of
Crist's upcoming EP 'Make All Things New' that he crowdfunded. Said
the singer/songwriter on Facebook, "The themes of these songs is
actually in response to what we're seeing in culture right now. We are
seeing, not only outside of the Church but even within the Church, a
lot of offense, we're seeing a lot of anger, frustration, deception,
confusion about who Jesus is and 'Is the Bible true?' The natural
response for a lot of us, I think, is frustration and anxiety and
wondering: 'Is everything falling apart?' and 'Is God still in
control?' When I've really wrestled with all that and then meditating
on Scripture, the Lord has really led me to Revelation 21 to 22. The
very end of the story, the very end of the book, where it says in
Revelation 21:5 'Behold I make all things new.' I've taken a lot of
comfort in that."