Pete Ryder records song about Harold Camping "prophecy"
BRITISH folk singer Pete
Ryder has put a new song, sung with Ryder's musical compatriot
Sian Harry on his website as a free download. "Another Good Day For
The End Of The World" was written in response to the "prophetic"
pronouncements by US broadcaster Harold Camping. Said Ryder, "This
song was written on May 22nd this year, a day after the American
Harold Camping stated that the world should have ended - or, at least,
apocalyptic fury would have been released worldwide. Of course he was
crazy, wasn't he? But still a lot of us breathed a sigh of relief with
the sunrise next morning. I loved the way he told the press he had had
'a difficult weekend' - and then came up with the usual defence of
failed end-time predictors, yes, it did happen, but 'in a spiritual
sense', so that no-one else noticed. So oh no, he wasn't wrong (in
fact it will all now happen on October 21st instead). Poor Harold,
hamstrung on his own pride. He should read the plain text in the Bible
'no one knows the day nor the hour' instead as misusing it as a
between-the-lines source for silly occultic calculations. Doubt he'll
be the last."