Hardcore band Blood Has Been Shed explain their name and Christian association.
GUITARIST with mainstream hardcore band Blood Has Been Shed, Corey Unger spoke about the band in the March issue of HM magazine. "Ironically, some of us in the band are Christians, but the name itself is actually not a reference to Jesus Christ. The name itself is a retrospect on humanity - the history of humanity - the whole idea that in the past eons of ages that we know of history, man has basically shed each other's blood. That's been our past and seems to always come back to us. It's a reflection on what we've done to each other and in a small attempt, our band is a compilation of a couple different people with different ideologies, but there's like a core idea on it that we can all agree on, which is that man has struggled in that. The band itself is a group of people who are struggling to try to remain positive in a world that has been a little bit difficult, a little bit rough on people. The idea that 'blood has been shed' is really a social theme. Ironically, there are Christian overtones in the music and its ideologies."
The band have released two albums into the American mainstream,
'Novella Of Uriel' (2002) and 'Spirals' (2003), both for Ferret